Sunday, September 7, 2008


By the study and observation of our knowledge of ourselves as humans, what is the natural, universal state of all humans across time. Should we think that there are those that are naturally content at being enslaved by another human? Mental acceptance of this state might be one thing, and the finding of contentment within the status of slavery another, but it probably is not to be found that it is a natural state to any human.

Is there something in the natural order of our societies and cultures that give us direction as to what our nature is, or is our nature simply define by what the current academic consensus is? If the later is the case then human nature is simply what one can get his fellow human to agree to, but as divers and irrational as humans can be, then a consensus can never ultimately be formed.

At least one emotion that is generally universal to the state of being human is the fear of death. Some systems of belief may control this passion of humans, but the fear of death is innate, and if overcome, then it would be from some exterior pressure laid upon a human, whether the human accepts it or not.

A second layer of human nature in relation to the fear of death is the common trait of violence in society. A generally passive society even has to have some form of peace keeping structures, and war to societies across time and space is common.


Ben Bush Jr said...

What authority can you cite to say that overcoming the fear of death only comes by exterior pressure?

And what do you mean exactly by exterior pressure?

xtransoc said...

I would think that a fear of death is innate to a human. The authority would be general observation, there may be evidence to the contrary.

External pressure meaning systems of belief that have been accepted into the psyche, or drugs - just two example that I can think of now.